Kollam city police began systematically collecting informations of other state workers

Kollam City Police  has started collection of statistical data of other state workers in district. Police officers who are Janmaitri Beat Officers have been assigned to conduct scientific data collection of all other state workers who have come to the district for work in the organized sector and unorganized sector. Detailed information including name, age, date of birth, temporary address in the district, permanent address, Aadhaar number, blood group, photograph and fingerprint are collected. Apart from this, the information of their dependents will also be collected. Special software arrangements have been prepared for this under the leadership of Keltron. Fingerprints are collected under the guidance of fingerprint experts of the District Fingerprint Bureau. District Police Chief Merin Joseph IPS informed that the completion of this initiative requires the full cooperation of the employers of other state workers, contractors and others.